"Passion for Europe" - La Pairelle, 2023
The European past, present and future :
an experience of transcending boundaries
The European past, present and future :
an experience of transcending boundaries
In September 2023, from Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th, the “Passion for Europe” workshop, jointly organized by JESC and the “Passion for Europe” group, took place in the La Pairelle Spiritual Centre, in Namur, Belgium. About 40 participants from more than 15 nationalities gathered to reflect on issues relevant to Europe, its challenges and accomplishments, the lessons to be learned from the past, and the role of Christianity in today’s society.
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"Passion for Europe" - La Pairelle, 2022
European democracy in a time of confusion
European democracy in a time of confusion
From Friday September 16th to Sunday the 18th 2023, the “Passion for Europe” workshop, jointly organized by JESC and the “Passion for Europe” group, took place in the La Pairelle Spiritual Centre, in Namur, Belgium. About 60 participants from more than 20 nationalities gathered to reflect on issues relevant to Europe, including the state of democracy and some of its threats, the growing presence and influence of technology in our lives, the values that are meaningful to us, the importance of dialogue, and the role of Christianity in today’s society.
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"Passion for Europe" - La Pairelle, 2021
Which common home, borders and bridges after the crisis?
Which common home, borders and bridges after the crisis?
In preparation of the Conference on the Future of Europe, the group Passion for Europe together with the Jesuit European Social Centre (JESC) organized in September 2021 a new session on the topic: Which common home, borders and bridges after the crisis? The recent crises (terrorism, financial and migratory flows, pandemic) led to borders closure, between nations, generations, cultures and peoples. But it is in our human nature to struggle for solidarity and integration as well. The two-day session adressed how EU resilience will not only be economic but how integrative mechanisms also have to be further developed,so that fragmentation and distrust in the EU does not prevail.
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"Passion for Europe" - La Pairelle, 2019
Europe and the long-term global challenges
Europe and the long-term global challenges
For the second time, the group «Passion for Europe» organized in September 2019 a 2-day session of dialogue and encounter to share the Christian vision of Europe’s current situation and long-term global challenges. Our world has entered a time of uncertainty. Many distrust everything except traditional formulae of independent nationhood, while others are convinced that the nation on its own cannot meet the challenges which lie ahead. The meeting developped a vision of Europe as trustee of the universal common good, whose mission is to be both an example and an advocate of a reality of overcoming divisions, both between nations and within nations.
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"Passion for Europe" - La Pairelle, 2018
Rediscovering the European Common Good
Rediscovering the European Common Good
For the first time in September 2018, the group “Passion for Europe”, together with the Jesuit European Social Centre (JESC), was proposing a two-day session to share the Christian vision of Europe’s current situation and main challenges, and open a dialogue on possible changes of mindset so as to rediscover the European common good. The session aimed to answer Pope Francis' interpellation in November 25th 2014 at the Council of Europe : “Where is your vigour? Where is that idealism which inspired and ennobled your history? Where is your spirit of curiosity and enterprise? Where is your thirst for truth, a thirst which hitherto you have passionately shared with the world?
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Passion for Europe
Rediscovering the European Common Good |